Eren Keskin
Eren Keskin har tilldelats Stipendiet till Anna Dahlbäcks minne 2017.
Den turkiska advokaten Eren Keskin har under många år med stort mod och juridisk skicklighet arbetat för de grundläggande demokratiska värderingarna i sitt hemland. Hon har försvarat mänskliga rättigheter både inom ramen för sitt yrke och i oberoende människorättsorganisationer som Turkish Human Rights Association och Legal Aid for Women Who Were Raped Or Otherwise Sexually Abused by National Security Forces. Hennes engagemang har lett till att hon förföljts, utsatts för övergrepp, fängslats och åtalats.
Valet av Eren Keskin svarar mot stiftelsens stadgeenliga kriterier: att göra ”insatser i Anna Dahlbäcks anda” och i samband därmed visa ”prov på betydande engagemang och civilkurage” när det gäller att stå upp för åsikts- och yttrandefrihet.
Eren Keskins tacktal framfört av Sidar Güney den 8 september 2017
Dear Guests,
First of all, I would like to thank Anna Dahlback Memorial Foundation for being honoured with this award, especially given the current situation, which very much calls for international solidarity.
Today, we are going through a tough process in the field of fundamental human rights in our territory. The right for free expression is being massively oppressed. Citizens cannot freely express themselves against official policies of the state.
Currently, 180 journalists and human rights defenders are imprisoned in horrible conditions.
I, myself, have been prosecuted for 143 lawsuits related to the position of ‘Co-Chief Editor’ for the daily newspaper Özgür Gündem as a figurehead, which publishes under intense governmental suppression. Sometime soon, these lawsuits will be concluded, leading to more prison sentences and hundred of thousands Turkish Lira fines.
In previous years, as a human rights lawyer, I have been subjected to such suppressions. I was assaulted twice by men armed with guns, imprisoned, and have suffered many threats.
However, if a person chooses the correct, just actions both as herself and as a human beings, those actions become a lifestyle. I believe that the only true power is ‘courage’ -- the courage to struggle against all human rights violations. Yet, human beings need support to act bravely. This support seems more meaningful when it comes from far away. A wonderful feeling arises from knowing that there are people who recognize your struggle – who think of you. That’s why I am so thankful to you for bestowing this award.
I would have very much preferred to address you in person. However, I am banned from travelling abroad. Even so, I believe that these hard time will eventually come to an end. I want to thank you so much, to you and to other all defenders of human rights, who have contributed to the formation of hopes for a better future. Much love to all you…
Eren Keskin
Utdelningen av stipendiet ägde rum den 8 september 2017 i Medelhavsmuseets konferenslokal, Fredsgatan 2 i Stockholm. Erin Keskin kunde, på grund av reseförbud, inte själv delta i ceremonin, som leddes av advokat Kjell Bastling. Ordförande Kerstin Dahlbäck överlämnade stipendiet till Erins ersättare, projektsamordnaren Sidar Güney, som framförde Erins tacktal. Det följdes av ett samtal mellan Bitte Hammargren, redaktör och mellanösternanalytiker vid Utrikespolitiska institutet, och advokat Per Stadig. Moderator var Elisabeth Löfgren, pressekreterare vid svenska sektionen av Amnesty International.
Framföranden av Mikis Theodorakis En sång om frihet, Ralph Vaughan Williams The Vagabond av operasångaren Samuel Jarrick och pianisten och kormästaren vid Kungliga Operan Martin Virin. Den senare spelade också Franz Schuberts Impromptu i Gess-dur. Mingel i salongen.
Sidar Guney och ordförande Kerstin Dahlbäck.